forensic animation and legal images
We are specialists in dynamic crash analysis and computer supported, animated PC visualisations of all sorts of accidents including traffic, work, sport and leisure related accidents.
Recognised accident experts work closely with 3D graphics and biomechanics professionals to guarantee a competent reconstruction and visualisation that is the work of one close-knit team.
We have an international, well respected, independent team of experts, that offers professional quality and guarantees an excellent price.
VIF is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and works closely with CrashRetake, a forensic animation company based in Zurich, Switzerland. That allows us to meet personally and therefore create a basis for an efficent and personalised collaboration.
Fernando Ferro is an expert in virtual reconstruction. He specialises in the 3D visualisation of accidents of all kinds. He has created numerous visual reconstructions of accidents in Spain and Latin America. Furthermore he is a specialist in photogrammetry, especially for the analysis of accident photos and surveillance videos.
Fernando Ferro is founder member of the International Academy for forensic and criminal sciences and certified adviser of the institute for traffic research and road safety in Buenos Aires.
Besides his teaching activity at the Universidad Tecnica Nacional de Buenos Aires he conducts numerous courses and workshops in Latin America and in Spain.
ANIBAL OSCAR GARCIA is a mechanical engineer graduated from the National University of Buenos Aires, with post-graduate degree in Welding Engineering at the UBA and specialization in Corrosion at the National Atomic Energy Commission.
He has participated on the inspection, on the analysis of structural and component failure and investigation of accidents in important public and private enterprises, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power plants, cable-stayed bridges, railway bridges, cranes, elevators and oil, mining and industrial facilities in general. He is a technical consultant for several companies, public offices and legal studies.
He acts as a Forensic Engineer in the national courts and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.
He develops physico-mathematical collision models. Has taught courses and seminars on accident investigation. Between 2008 and 2013 he gave the annual postgraduate course in Engineering Research and Reconstruction of Traffic Accidents at the Army Technical High School, General Manuel Savio. From 2013 dictates the Diploma in Research and Reconstruction of Traffic Accidents in the Professional Council of Mechanical Engineering and Electrician. In 2013-2014 he presided over the Organizing Committee of the Argentine Congress of Forensic Engineering.
He has given courses and lectures for magistrates, civil servants and lawyers on problems related to road and industrial accidents, and published articles in specialized journals.
He is co-author of HUMAN WAYS. A multidisciplinary and human approach to road safety, Editorial from Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima 2008, which addresses the issue of road safety from the different disciplinary perspectives of law, road-forensic engineering and road medicine.
He is collaborator of the TREATY OF ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGES DERIVED FROM CIRCULATION, (Weingarten - Ghersi - Lovece), author of Cap. 17 - Technical Expertise in Traffic Accidents. Editorial La Ley, Buenos Aires 2011.
He is the author of ACCIDENTS OF TRANSIT - Research and Reconstruction, Editorial Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires (1st Ed., 2011 - 2nd Ed. 2016), manual of forensic engineering applied to the elucidation of the factual causes of the facts of the transit
Mechanical Engineer with diploma from the Universidad de Tecnologia Nacional, Argentina
LUIS ANCE has been working for several years in the field of accident analysis and reconstruction of traffic and work accidents and is certified assessor for the courts of the town and province of Buenos Aires. He has published numerous publications on the topic of accident reconstruction.
Luis Ance is professor for post diploma studies in "Accident research and reconstruction" at the technical college Ejercito Manuel Salvo in Argentinia.
Degree in Medicine from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Specialising at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in general medicine, legal medcine, medicine at the workplace and post diploma in family medicine, first aid and medicine for disasters.
JORGE BERMÚDEZ is an international specialist in the field of biomechanics. In South America, Spain and Portugal, Jorge Bermudez has an established reputation as an expert in biomechanical reporting. He is a speaker at many international conferences and has authored several publications in South America and Spain. He is a member of several associations and a founding member and secretary general of the Association for external reviewers for the Province of Buenos Aires.
JORGE BERMÚDEZ has taught at several universities, amongst them the medical faculty of Buenos Aires University.